
Daughters of Darkness 5

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Chapter 16:

Kestrel stared at the Huntress. "And what exactly is there left to discuss?" she asked darkly. Artemis stood quiet for a moment. "You are a different kind of Wolf not bound to change at the moon and immune to the effects of silver unlike those werewolves." she stated. Kestrel stood in silence not sure of where Artemis was going with this train of thought. "And your sister immune to sunlight.... No longer shall that be." said the Goddess. A heated argument broke out between the two resulted in weapons being  pulled  on the other. Kestrel held her sword and Artemis held two silver daggers, the two circling each other prepared to strike, eyes flashing a dangerous yellow.

To the Goddess's surprise, Kestrel, with her head held high put down her weapon. Artemis however slashed at the Wolf, leaving a deep crescent moon shaped cut by her right eye that was sure to scar. "No longer shall Vampires walk the day. Werewolves will be bound to the moon, Wolvens, your kind, will be bound to aid me.' declared the Goddess, "You will never have children Kestrel Night and the only way you will be able to have full use of that eye will be to have my metal, silver, on your person for every lifetime you have." She sneered.

Kestrel fell to her knees clutching her eye in agony as she felt her vision beginning to deteriorate. "And now the next time you use that cursed blade, it will fail you every time you use it against me." Kestrel spat back, venom dripping in her tone. Artemis turned to walk back to the camp sheathing her dagger, exhaling the breath that she didn't realized she held. "Selene and I may be the result of a poorly aimed curse. But we will always be there, and no matter what happens I vow that I will always be there to protect you. I give my unbreakable word to be the eternal hero, the shadow, protector of good and... of you mother." whispered the Wolf.

Artemis stopped in her tracks at what she heard, tempted to turn back but she continued forward, wiping away the tears that threatened to flow knowing that she could not take back what she did nor said, knowing she was the final push for her daughter to make the choice that was sure to end this conflict. Kestrel finally managed to get to her feet and found Sophie. "Back to the battle." she ordered quietly. The two quickly made their way back down towards the battle and once more began the assault against their enemy. Sophie noticed the cut and that Kestrel was squinting, putting more effort into focusing her eyesight before taking a shot.
Chapter 17:

Jade and Carly continued to battle an ogre that was set loose earlier, while Katherine and Selene engaged Agarong's general, Eaman and Ballek lead the army to the fortress walls attempting to break down the doors. Archers shot down arrows, nearly blackening the sky and weakened the attempt to break the walls. "Push forward!" ordered Eaman, "Break the walls!" With as much force as they could muster, Eaman lead his Men and some Wolves to finally breach the fortress.

The battle raged on but still there were no signs of the son of Hades. Kestrel continued to fight through her pain and led Hunters and Wolves in another attempt to further break the wall. The sun rose and in the distance thunder rumbled. "Looks like the younglings had an impact." laughed Carly, as goblins began to pull back in fear.

Selene and Katherine continued to battle their enemies and pushed them toward the hills. Katherine was overwhelmed by a swarm of goblins, Selene broke her fight with a general to aid the Wolf. The general sized the opportunity and fired several arrows toward the Vampire but missed by several inches. Selene continued to engage the general fighting with renewed aggression, forcing her foe to lose footing. "Never try to strike your opponent when their back is turned!" shouted Selene as she continued to strike at her foe.

The general grinned menacingly and pulled out a dagger, thrusting it into Selene's side. The Vampire recoiled and felt the blood seeping from the wound. She fought back but a goblin from behind slashed at her back forcing her to nearly fall. The general took advantage and struck her once more, this time creating a deeper wound.

Selene could feel the life slipping from her as she saw visions of a beautiful field in front her before reality came back and she slashed at her attacker. The general's blade made contact again,but before he could finish the Vampire, Selene's sword cut off his head.

Selene fell to her knees once more, her life slowly fading. Katherine ran to her friend and fought off the remaining attackers. "Selene!" shouted Katherine, but Selene seemed to be gazing off in the distance, smiling. Selene could see the field with such clarity and feel the warmth of a breeze on her face, the feel of the warm and gentle grass beneath her feet.

The Vampire shook her head and saw Katherine kneeling before her. Katherine saw the wounds and knew there was no saving her fellow queen, instead she held her friend watching the light slowly fade from her blue eyes. "Hope will win." said Selene as she took her final breaths. Katherine held her friends lifeless form as a Hunter found them. "Rest my friend... rest you did well." whispered Katherine.

The Hunter had her comrades take Selene's body, carrying her with all the respect of a queen toward the camp where Artemis was overlooking the battle. On the battle field Kestrel could feel something was wrong, like a part of her was gone, yet she continued to fight the foes before her. The Hunters carried the fallen queen to the goddess and laid her on the tent floor. "My Lady, the Queen of Vampires, Selene Night has fallen in battle." said the Hunter. Artemis looked at the girl in shock then saw the lifeless body of her youngest daughter. The Huntress nodded and dismissed the Hunter, she knelt by Selene and let the tears fall freely.

"I am so sorry my daughter." whispered Artemis, "I never got to show you and your sister how much the two of you mean to me. I know that we had our differences but I loved you so much." The Goddess had two of her Hunters clean up her daughter and had her placed on a bed, her sword placed upon her body.

Kestrel and Sophie separated as they fought their way towards Agarong. Jade and Carly found Kestrel and the three lead an assault upon the fortress. "You cannot defeat me." a voice rang out from the sky. "Agarong!" shouted Kestrel, "Come and face us you coward!" The voice laughed and faded away. Kestrel let out an an angry cry and struck down those who attacked her still feeling the pain in her eye.

"What happened?" asked Jade, pointing to the cut by Kestrel's eye. The Wolf attacked another goblin before turning to her friend. "Nothing I can't handle. Right now we must focus on getting Agarong out here, Eaman can defeat him." said Kestrel sternly. Jade nodded and looked to Carly, who was fending off three opponents.

"Well, don't look at me. How are going to get Agarong out here?" said Carly. Jade and Kestrel looked at each other again then turned to Carly. "Oh No....No absolutely not. I will not be bait again." said a panicked Carly. Jade and Kestrel again look at each other and smile. Soon Kestrel along with a very grumpy Carly made her way into the fortress.

Chapter 18: From the Ground

The rubble from the stone wall littered the ground as a silent pair made their way through a small gap in the stone structure. Agilely and as quiet as possible Carly and Kestrel steered through the fortress, scaling the castle walls to avoid detection and climbed through a tower window.  

Cloaked in shadow they stalked through the halls searching for their intended target. Finding  themselves on a balcony overseeing the great hall, Carly and Kestrel listened to the frenzied yells and commands of the enemy leaders though Agaroth no where in sight. Kestrel crept to the other side of the platform, signaling Carly to  proceed with their plan.

Cursing under her breath Carly stepped from the shadows and leaned against the railing. “Oi! Any of those who surrender now, might just be allowed to live!” she shouted to the crowd below. The hall fell silent as all eyes fell upon the Wolf.  Cries of “Who're you?” and “Get her!” rang out. Arrows fired up at Carly, the Wolf dropping down in time to avoid being hit.

“ENOUGH!” commanded Kestrel, now standing at the center of the platform. Silence once again ruled, the enemy stunned and confused at the sudden appearance of the second intruder “Come now cowards, run while you can. Agarong I know you hear me! Show yourself!” Kestrel shouted. Taking advantage, Carly fired two arrows at the chandelier bringing it crashing down on those below. “Think that will work?” asked Carly teasingly.

Kestrel chuckled as her friend taunted their enemy. “Time to go Carly.” she ordered as the disoriented group below began firing upon them, ready to chase after the pair. Kestrel grabbed Carly by the cloak and the two companions ran through the halls foregoing stealth as their enemy gave chase.  The pair jumped through a tower window landing gracefully on the wall bellow and continued their escape back onto the battlefield.

As swords clashed and their enemies fell an eerie silence took hold of the battle field halting any fighting.  The ground  began to shake, a deafening roar shattered the silence as three shadowy figures arose from the ground. The beasts snarled revealing their razor sharp fangs of teeth, their piercing red eyes glowing in contrast to their pitch black bodies looking similar to a Gryffin and Dragon mixed. Rising on their hind legs, the shadowy beasts let out another ear piercing cry, flexing their claws  and wings ready to strike.  “Shadow Gryffs!, Fall back! Fall back!!”  Eaman called out.

Hunters fired arrows down upon the beasts to drive them back yet only seemed to enrage the Shadow Gryffs causing the monsters to roar and form a defensive line around the castle. Soon another two beasts began to form from the shadows, arising next to their brethren. “There are more, we must stop them, we must bring them down!” cried Sophie.

Katherine stood, watching the scene unfold before her, smirking as a plan came to mind. “To the shadows! Lycans, Werewolves! Take these monsters down and show them the might of the Wolves! Wolvens to the shadows, we shall drive them back to the depths of Hades, make them rue the day they dared to strike against us!” ordered the Wolf Queen. The Wolves cheered and howled, ready to attack.

Werewolves and Lycans charged the five Shadow Gryffs around the castle, howling as the clashed against the shadowy creatures while the Wolvens melted into the shadows sinking into the ground entering the shadow realm.  Kestrel and Carly watched on feeling as though something was amiss while their kin descended into the shadows. “.....It's a trap!” exclaimed Carly, “This has to be a diversion, something else is coming and the enemy wants us out of the way.”  

“I'm afraid you're right Carly.... this is definitely a trap.” Kestrel sighed, a look of determination in her eyes. “Carly get Sophie, Jade and Selene and keep pushing forward. We need to take the castle. Make sure Eaman is in the castle and where he needs to be, I'll enter  the shadow realm and get Catherine. They must not send these beasts further into the shadows, we need to draw them back out into the light.”

Carly stared at her long time friend in disbelief “You're joking right? We need you up here Kestrel, we need you here!”  she cried out. Kestrel put a hand on Carly's shoulder, looking her in the eye. “No Carly. Not me, not you, Katherine,Selene nor the Gods...this has to be done by Eaman. He must be the one to strike down Agarong once and for all and end this darkness.” Kestrel paused for a moment, determination crossing her features as she continued passionately, “Our time is over Carly the time of the Elves is long gone and the Age of Magic is coming to a close old friend. The Age of Man is upon us so why not bring it to the most glorious start we can and end this evil.”

Carly embraced her friend then saluted “Yes Captain Night.” she said before darting off in search of the others. Kestrel watched her companion leave and sighed in resignation knowing that she had quite a task set before her with only limited time before the enemy made their true plan known.

Melting into the shadows, Kestrel watched as a battle began raging forward. The battle field was the same as on the surface except only the Wolves and Shadow Gryphs could be seen, the landscape itself was barren and a darkness loomed in the woods, dread filling the air.  Searching for the Queen, Kestrel blocked an attempted attack by the shadowy creature. Growling she slashed at  the Shadow Gryph before stabbing the beast in it's soft underbelly effectively slaying the creature.

Fighting her way through the chaos, Kestrel finally spotted Katherine fending off several opponents. Kestrel shielded the Queen with her sword, forcing two of the shadow beasts to retreat. “Katherine fall back!! It's a trap!” Kestrel shouted over the roars of the battle, once more slashing at the beasts to keep them at bay. “What are you talking about Night?! We have to turn these beasts back to help the others.” Katherine replied, fending off her attacker.  

“No, you drive them back and the enemy wins Katherine! It's a trap to keep you and the rest of us Wolvens away from the main fight.” Kestrel yelled back exasperated. “Trust me old friend.”she added desperately. The desperation caught Katherine by surprise and the sincerity, the urgency swayed the Wolf Queen.  Gritting her teeth and still a bit skeptical  Katherine gave the command to fall back and return to the surface realm.

Chapters 16-18
It's been a long time coming, set backs including my laptop crashing and wiping out this document amongst other things, I can say I've finally started getting back to writing this and we're nearing the end of this epic tale and yet it is far from over ^^

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